Video Focuses on Thacher Park

By Mark King

Where can you enjoy world class views, observe unique wildflowers, and walk underneath a spectacular waterfall - right in the Capital Region? The answer, of course, is John Boyd Thacher State Park.

We sometimes overlook the natural treasures we have locally: the Landis Arboretum and Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy preserves are just two examples. Thacher Park is yet another.

WMHT public television has just produced a beautiful video reminder of the wonders of Thacher Park. “The Great Ledge: Exploring Thacher” premiered in early December and will air numerous times on this PBS station. Check for listings. The video is also available on-line and on DVD.

Patricia Lane’s film chronicles the history of Thacher and includes stunning scenes of the park’s 2100 acres, spectacular waterfalls, and limestone cliffs. MHLC’s work to protect the park's views and watershed is also highlighted. The film couldn’t capture all the many highlights of the park, of course - the limestone-loving plants that thrive in the talus slopes both above and beneath the cliffs are overlooked, for instance - but it is still a great reminder to visit (or revisit) the park.

A new visitor center under construction will open next year and help orient visitors to this National Natural Landmark.

Winter 2016

Volume 34 , Number 1

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