The Landis Arboretum membership is annual; we schedule your membership expiration to ensure that you have access to the member discount at both a fall and a spring plant sale.
All members receive:
- 10% discount on plants.
- Admission to our Members Only Pick of the Pots Sale (POPS) at our Spring and Fall Plant Sales.
- Access to free or reduced-price admission and in some cases a discount in their gift shops to over 350 gardens and arboretums through the American Horticulture Society Reciprocal Admissions Program.
Business members receive a business card sized advertisement in each Landis Newsletter for the year.
Members at the Benefactor and Lifetime levels receive a free membership each year to give as a gift.
If you prefer not to make your membership donation online, please download this membership form and return it to the Arboretum with your check or credit card information to:
Landis Arboretum
PO Box 186
Esperance, NY 12066

More Information on the AHS Reciprocal Admissions Program (RAP)
The benefit of reciprocal admission to other gardens nationwide is granted to members of arboreta that are, like Landis Arboretum, members of the American Horticultural Society (AHS). Over 300 public gardens and arboreta are members; each provides discounted and/or completely free admission and other benefits to those who belong to a member garden or arboretum. Your membership card (and a link to RAP information on the AHS website where gardens are listed by region) can save you much more than the cost of your membership if you are much of a traveler.