When someone hears about Landis Arboretum for the first time, they typically ask, “What is an arboretum?” We may respond with a brief definition -- a collection of trees -- but more often than not elaborate on some of the many attributes of the place we have come to know and love. Now, there is a new and beautiful way to show everyone what we are talking about. And seeing, they say, is believing.

Landis is proud to announce the launch of a locally-produced video illustrating the year-round wonders of the Arboretum. You can find it on the homepage of our website, landisarboretum.org, as “Landis Arboretum: Who We Are”, and below this article.
Board Vice President Wilma Jozwiak, always on the search for new talent, heard about budding videographer Gavin Leach through her circle of friends, and surmised that there might be a project in the works. Gavin, a graduate of the State University College at Oneonta, brought his infectious enthusiasm and well-earned credentials in mass communication/media studies to the Arboretum. We in turn regaled him with our stories and wish lists, our favorite places, events, and images. Gavin then magically made them come alive.
He produced a high-quality video that captures some of the best aspects of Landis. It’s a four-season look at our incredible natural beauty, resident wildlife, hallmark events, and more, all in less than three minutes. Spectacular color, unforgettable views, Gavin’s skilled narration, and an original melody by our own Fred Breglia add depth and artistry. You will see the Arboretum with new eyes, whether you are a frequent visitor or a far-away friend. As Wilma exclaimed, “I want to go, I want to go!”
The Landis team that worked with Gavin is impressed by his attention to detail and ability to use our ideas, turning them into such a remarkable video. Visitors to our website will have a comprehensive but succinct view into just how much we offer. Those we meet offsite, e.g., at presentations or booths during public events, will get a clear and eloquent understanding of Landis. As Landis Volunteer Coordinator Anne Donnelly said, “We will be very proud to show this far and wide.” Modest, though clearly pleased with the results, Gavin expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to showcase Landis for a broad audience of potential visitors, volunteers, members, and supporters. He praised the team that shared their insights and passion for this special place, and said that “without your knowledge and devotion to Landis, I wouldn’t have been able to make the video what it is.”
And without Gavin Leach, who tells us his motto is “There’s no point in doing something unless you do it right,” we wouldn’t have this resplendent look at the jewel known as the George Landis Arboretum. Thank you, Gavin, for making Landis shine, as bright as the night sky during our famous Star Parties.