One of the great delights of gardening is jump-starting spring.
The Arboretum’s propagation room and equipment have been sterilized and the propagation team is already seeding plants and transplanting seedlings.
Several unusual vegetables are being grown that will add interest and eating excitement to your vegetable garden. They include “Kalibos,” a purple cone-shaped cabbage; “Paul Robeson,” “Amish paste,” and “Supersweet” tomatoes; oriental eggplant, colorful Swiss chard, and baby bok choy. Basil, parsley, cutting celery, and horseradish will all be available.
The team also hopes to have several varieties of native plants.
Donations of plants from members’ gardens need to be received two weeks before the sale date. They can arrive potted or bare root. If members would like to donate and need help dividing plants, please call Cindy King before April 11.
Donations of 4” plastic pots would also be appreciated.
Contact Cindy King at (518) 396-8563 or baroness371@capital.net for questions or to offer donations.