The Marketing Committee, chaired by Karl Gustafson, is continually brainstorming the most cost-effective manner to promote the Arboretum and attract visitors to this hidden gem.

The George Landis Arboretum is now featured in many “I Love NY” promotions, including the “I Love NY” signs recently placed on I-88 that identify the Arboretum as a local tourist attraction. Landis is listed on page 59 of the 2016 “I Love NY Travel Guide” as a Central New York "Must See" in the outdoors category; a detailed description appears on page 81. These promotions, as well as a brief segment in the “I Love NY” TV ads, are all part of a collaborative effort among businesses and attractions in the greater Schoharie region. Landis, along with four of our advocates, was recently highlighted on Ann Parillo’s cable show "Schenectady Today,” produced at Proctors.
Subscribers to the NYS DEC's “Conservationist” magazine receive New York's “Wildlife Viewing Guide.” Pages 98-100 recommend Landis as a good site to observe wildlife. [Click on the image to the left to visit Landis on DEC's New York Watchable Wildlife website.]
The Schoharie Valley Association promotes businesses and not-for-profits throughout the Route 30 corridor. The Arboretum is listed as a tourist destination in its Visitor's Guide. Additionally, the Schoharie County Chamber of Commerce continues to publicize Arboretum events and programs.
Each year in late March, the Arboretum hosts popular workshops at the Capital District Garden and Flower Show at Hudson Valley Community College. Landis volunteers also staff the Arboretum’s information booth at this popular three-day event.
Volunteers, Board of Trustee members, and of course, Director Fred Breglia, are out and about in the region constantly, either as representatives of the Arboretum at various functions, serving as speakers or panelists, or collaborating "behind the scenes" with our reciprocating partners. For example, the Arboretum decorates a tree (with birds, botanicals and beasts) at the NY Power Authority's annual December Festival of Trees. This year, Landis volunteers collected items for the Fort Plain Catholic Daughters of America’s "Secret Angels" project, which provides holiday baskets to veterans at the VA Hospital in Albany.
Thanks to the efforts of the Marketing Committee, the charms of Landis are being made known to thousands. So don't be surprised if you notice our logo on a restaurant’s placemat. Or if there is a pruning demonstration by Fred at your next Garden Club meeting. We want the world to know what we know – that the George Landis Arboretum is a great place – and perhaps a not-so-hidden gem -- to visit!